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HomeNewsIsland & CoastCouncil fine-tuning code of conduct for elected officials

Council fine-tuning code of conduct for elected officials

Powell River isn’t the only local government struggling with decorum at public and private meetings.

Powell River city council sat through another workshop last week to work on a proposed code of conduct for elected officials.

Consultant Alison Habkirk assured them that many communities around BC facing similar situations. She warned them that the finished document won’t be a fix-all solution.

“You know, a code of conduct’s not going to fix that behaviour,” she said. “It might help you manage it, a bit. It’s not the answer to all of your problems. It’s really about establishing shared norms and finding a way to deal with trouble.”

Council went through the draft 12-page document line by line in a four-hour workshop and discussed the wording. It’s been in the works since last March. The qathet Regional District recently approved a similar document, which is helping guide the city with its own.

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